When is building returning to Fortnite?

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Epic Games

Epic Games

Chapter 3, Season 2 dropped in Fortnite yesterday and while there were man changes and new features, perhaps nothing was bigger than the removal of building. A controversial feature, building is one of the mechanics that sets Fortnite apart from other battle royale games. But it’s also one of the main sources of player frustration.

For years, players have called for its removal but Epic has never acted on it — until now. Although Epic has always experimented with tweaked various aspects of Fortnite, building has been viewed as integral to the battle royale game. So to see it removed has been a massive shock.

The big question now is will building return to Fortnite? And if so, when can we expect to see it come back?

Will building return to Fortnite?

Epic Games hasn’t provided any comment on the removal of building in Fortnite, so it’s unclear exactly what the developer’s plans are. However, the fact that building is still available in the competitive, Arena, Creative and Team Rumble modes seems to suggest this is just temporary.

When will building return to Fortnite?

Leaked audio from the game also points to the removal of building being tied to Fortnite’s story and that it could return soon. Popular leaker iFireMonkey discovered game audio for a quest linethat suggests the removal of building will last for nine days. After that the game will revert back to normal. If the audio is any indication, then we can look forward to the return of building in Fortnite on Tuesday, March 29.

Is Fortnite better without building?

Building is, without a doubt, one of the main mechanics that sets Fortnite apart from other battle royale games like Warzone and Apex Legends. But there’s an argument to be made that it also makes Fortnite more inaccessible than those games.

Building has gotten so out of control in the game that it has sort of overshadowed the shooting aspect of Fortnite. It’s no longer who has the better weapon or aim, but who can build taller and faster. For those who are better with guns but lack the skills to build, they are at a clear disadvantage.

However, those who excel at building, but may not be as skilled with shooting probably prefer the feature remain in the game. If building is what sets you apart from the majority of other players, you are almost certainly pissed that it has been removed.

Personally, I like the building mechanic but not in its current existence. I think it should be used as a tool to assist you in combat, not be the main feature. Epic needs to find a way to balance building and gunplay or this division will never end.

Do you like that building has been removed from Fortnite? Do you want to see it removed permanently?