Fortnite: how to complete the Riddle Maze

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Fortnite's featured island showcase some of the best work from the Creative community and the Riddle Maze is by far the most challenging island yet.

The Riddle Maze comes with its own set of rules, like no respawning or searching for the answers online. Considering you're reading this, you've already decided rules aren't for you, so let's crack on.

Here's the Creative code for the Riddle Maze, which was lovingly created by Mixer-Onsidedaff.

There are pads on the floor with green circles that act as a checkpoint if you make an incorrect choice, which you shouldn't as you're following this guide.

There are five levels to get through which are a mix of word and number puzzles. Good luck!

Word games

When you get to the first door you'll see a sign that asks "Which is faster?" and you'll need to choose between three doorways that are labelled as hot, cold or neither. The correct answer is hot, so go through that doorway.

Follow the path round to the next riddle that reads "The more you take, the more you leave behind. What am I?" with food crumbs, footsteps and time. Footsteps are the correct answer, so pass through that door and carry on.

The third riddle reads "Forwards I'm heavy, backwards I'm not. What am I?" and you can choose between a kilogram or a ton for your answer. This is a clever play on words as a ton backwards is not, so choose that door and keep going.

The next riddle is "Name the word spelt incorrectly in every dictionary", with word, misspelled and supercalifragilisticexbealidocious. If you look up above the door you've just come through, you'll see a door with a sign that reads incorrectly - that's the door you want to go through.

For the next riddle, you're asked: "What day is after today?". You choices are Tuesday, Friday and Tomorrow. Above the door, there is a doorway that reads Thursday - that's the door you want to go through.

You might have noticed there are more false answer doors appearing in each room - try not to pay too much attention to them.

Number games

The next riddle reads "Turn me on my side and I am everything. Cut me in half and I amount to nothing. What am I?". The answer is number, so head through the door and carry on. You're then asked to choose the correct number, which is the number eight.

It's number game time, so you've to choose the missing number for the sequence 16, 06, 68, 88, ??, 98. The answer is 87 and the door is above the one you just passed through.

Door puzzle

This next section tasks you with finding the correct door that leads to the exit. There are 33 doors to choose from and you want to go through door 22. Jump up on the little blue platforms until you reach door 22 and jump through.

Once you're through the door watch out for the trap in the doorway that leads to the next section.

More riddles

Eventually, you'll reach a doorway with another riddle. This one reads "I have cities, but no houses, mountains but no trees and water but no fish. What am I?". The correct answer here is a map.

The next one reads "What has teeth but cannot eat?" with the answer being a comb, not a baby.

The third puzzle reads "If I say "everything I tell you is a lie", what am I telling you?". The answer is a lie, so head through that door.

The next riddle asks you to imagine being trapped in a room with no windows or doors, then how would you escape such a place. The answer is to stop imagining. Get back to the here and now and carry on to the next section.

The next riddle is quite long, but the question reads: "Each kitten has seven toys, how many people are going to the party?". The answer to this riddle is one.

Follow the path down and watch out for some of the sarcastic signs on your way.

Final level

When you get to the large, open room in the final level, you're met with the question: "Who's Support-a-Creator code are you going to use?". The correct answer is Mixer-Onsidedaff. You'll need to follow a long path to get to the very end where you can transport back to the Creative hub.

Congratulations! You got answered every riddle correctly, aren't you clever.

Fortnite Season 8 Weekly challenges

  • Week 3 Challenges
  • Week 2 Challenges
  • Visit the furthest north, south, east, and west points of the island.
  • Week 1 Challenges
  • Visit all Pirate Camps
  • Visit a giant face in the desert, the jungle and the snow

You can also check out where to find the Fortnite Season 8 hidden Battle Stars and Banners here.