Fortnite's August 2022 Crew Pack features the Wolverine Zero skin from the Marvel x Fortnite comics

Fortnite's August 2022 Crew Pack features the Wolverine Zero skin from the Marvel x Fortnite comics
fortnite charlotte loading screen
Fortnite chapter 2 season 8 is titled cubed and is themed around one very special purple cube. The new team loading screen. This can also happen on weekends, especially if a new update has been released.

Epic Games has been treating fans with a bunch of new skins for the popular battle royale, Fortnite. With the launch of this year’s No Sweat Summer event, players will be able to get their hands on skins like Slayer Charlotte, Undercover Kor, Riptide Raz, swimming pro-Medley, and many more. Even the Champ, John Cena himself is coming to the game as part of Epic’s SummerSlam. These skins and the emotes and other cosmetics that come with them means you’re gonna need a lot of Vbucks.

Also, in case you haven’t noticed, July is almost over so it's time for the launch of the August Crew Pack as well! Fortnite’s August Crew Pack will see a beloved Marvel character return, one of the most famous X-Men – Wolverine. Logan has already been part of the game’s roster in his comic-accurate outfit and the pack will feature the version from the Fortnite x Marvel: Zero War comics – Wolverine Zero.

The Wolverine Crew Pack will be available to players beginning July 31st. It also includes the Muramasa Blade Back Bling, which is a mythical sword forged by a demonic swordsmith. The back bling also doubles up as a Pickaxe so as long as players have it equipped. These packs usually include very cool-looking loading screens and this one keeps up the trend with the Best Fight You Ever Had Loading Screen.

That’s not all though. Players can also enjoy some summer-themed goodies as the Cuddle Cerise Style of the Ice-Blasted Snow Crunchem Back Bling will be given to all Crew Pack subscribers who log in during the summer event. In case you haven’t grabbed July’s Phaedra Crew Pack, do it fast because there are only two more days to go before Wolverine is here!

Fortnite’s Crew Pack subscription costs $11.99 a month and comes with cosmetic items, the battle pass, and some added bonuses. Download Fortnite now through the official website or play on XCloud.

Also, check out this list of the best battle royales to play on mobile!