Fans continue to ask Fortnite developers to bring the Pump Shotgun back

Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 1 has introduced players to a ton of new weapons, both mythics and normal ones. However, the majority of the community wants to know if the Pump Shotgun will ever return to Fortnite.

The Pump Shotgun is one of the OG weapons of the game. The powerful shotgun has a low fire rate and an ammo capacity of five rounds. It is excellent for close-range encounters and can kill an enemy in one shot, depending on the rarity.

However, the Pump Shotgun was vaulted by the developers and has not returned since. So, will the Pump Shotgun ever return to Fortnite?

Fans keep asking Epic Games to unvault Pump Shotgun in Fortnite

The Pump Shotgun is undoubtedly a fan-favourite, as loopers keep asking Epic Games to unvault the weapon again.

The most recent update brought back the Heavy Shotgun, which was vaulted in 2019 during the 7.30 update. The Heavy Shotgun can be found on the ground, in normal and rare chests, and supply drops.

The Heavy Shotgun is available in all rarities, ranging from common to legendary. The developers slightly tweaked the weapon prior to unvaulting it. It now fires a single pellet, so players have to be sure of their target before firing. However, the weapon now seems to be powerful in mid to long-range encounters as well.

Heavy Shotgun is Back!- Can be obtained from Chests, Floor Loot, Supply Drops & Sharks- Shoots 1 Pellet unlike other shotguns & fire rate is 1.3- Common's Damage is 81, Headshot is 142 & Reload Time is 4.8s- Legendary's Damage is 99, Headshot is 173 & reload time is 3.9s

The recent unvaulting of the Heavy Shotgun has raised the community's hope of seeing the Pump Shotgun back in Fortnite. While Epic has not confirmed the same, players have been demanding the return of the weapon, and developers might just listen to them.

Here's what the community has had to say on Twitter:

Fortnite bring back pump shotgun but leave the MK
i really miss the old fortnite weapons now, i mean like the old AR and the Tac Shotgun and the Pump, they just felt so beefy and powerfull, and the new weapons sound so lame and weak.
@DonaldMustard Hey Donald Mustard, I wanted to ask you if there is a possibility that the old design of the pump shotgun will return, it is one of the most beloved by the Fortnite community and I hope that one day it will return... please🥺🙏
fortnite can you please add the pump shotgun back
@FortniteBR Yes, please come backI had the most fun when I was using the pump shotgunI don't think Fortnite is fun now

The new Shotguns in Chapter 3 have disappointed players, and many have stopped using them altogether. While Epic has added Striker Pump and Auto Shotgun, players are not impressed with the weapons as they do not have enough damage numbers or satisfactory reload times.

The OG Pump Shotgun is far superior to the Striker Pump Shotgun in every regard. All things considered, the return of the Pump Shotgun is very likely and players might see it sometime during the next season.

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Edited by Saman

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