Silence an Alarm on Family Members iPhone / iPad

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Stop a family members alarm on their iPhone

Have you ever been in the situation where someone set an alarm on their iPhone or iPad and it is blaring away, but perhaps they aren’t nearby to turn it off, or maybe you want to let them continue sleeping or something similar?

If you use Family Sharing, you’ll be happy to know that you can silence a family members alarm on their device, with just a simple Siri command from your iPhone or iPad. You don’t even need to touch their device.

As long as all the devices are on the same wi-fi network, generally in the same vicinity, and part of the same Family Sharing group, you can silence each others alarms with the help of Siri.

How to Silence Someone Else’s iPhone Alarm, Remotely

  • Summon Siri as usual (with Hey Siri or by holding down the Power button) and say “Turn off the alarm on (persons name) iPhone”
  • Confirm that you wish to turn off their alarm by tapping on ‘Yes’ (or No if you don’t want to turn it off)

This is useful for so many situations; perhaps someone in your family uses an alarm to wake up in the morning but you know they want to sleep in, or maybe someone uses alarms for cooking, or maybe someone uses an alarm to wake up and its blasting but nobody can find the phone and it’s waking up the entire house. Just summon Siri, ask to turn off their alarm, and you’re done.

Siri icon