Fortnite Shield Keg Where To Find, How To Use, and Stats

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A new item arrives to Fortnite, here's everything you need to know!

Epic Games are kicking off the year with a brand new Fortnite item, the Shield Keg, available right now in-game.

Although Winterfest will soon be coming to an end, there's still plenty of content to look forward to. With v19.10 expected to arrive next week, players can guarantee more new items, map changes and more.

But whilst we wait for the arrival of a brand new content update, why not jump into Fortnite and give the new Shield Keg a blast? But before you do, make sure you know where to find it, how to use it, and what exactly it does.

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Where To Find The Shield Keg In Fortnite

According to ShiinaBR, Shield Kegs can be found in chests, as floor loot, in supply drops, or by purchasing them from The Scientist and Lt. John Llama for Gold Bars.

To get your hands on the new item as quickly as possible, save up your gold bars and visit either The Scientist at 'The Sanctuary' or Lt. John Llama, who is just south of Logjam Lumberyard, both of which can be seen on the map below.

Otherwise, getting the Shield Keg is just based on pure luck as they will drop randomly from chests, floor loot, or supply drops.

Piz0 with a zerohere's a before you buy on the new azuki skin! Players simply need to load up fortnite on their platform of choice, select the battle royale mode and navigate to the item shop tab. Multiple styles of the azuki.

  • READ MORE: Fortnite Azuki Skin Released - Rarity, Price, Item Shop Duration, and More

How To Use The Shield Keg In Fortnite

Once you get your hands on the Shield Keg simply throw the item on the ground and stand in the healing mists' circle to refill your shield. Both you and your teammates can stand inside of the Shield Keg's radius to go from 0 to 100 shield. But you must be careful as it will also refill your enemies shield if they are within the radius.

Check out the new Shield Keg in action below for a better idea of how the item works, gameplay courtesy of ImEntoYT.